Head on over to the WoW forums to check out the other changes coming to the hunter class.īlizzard’s Explanation: “Thrash deals damage and causes all targets within 10 yards to bleed every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. However, this should afford ample storage for the many Spirit Beasts wandering the lands of Azeroth.” In order to swap a pet from active to passive, a hunter will still need to visit their local Stable Master. They will also be able to have a large number of pets in storage at the stables. Hunters will be able to have up to three active pets (perhaps five for Beast Mastery specialized players) and will have the ability to switch among these pets any time they are out of combat, without going to town. Hunters will now have two types of attainable pets: active pets and stored pets. Existing quivers will be converted into large bags – though each hunter can only have one and non-hunters will not benefit from this change – and we will not be making any additional quivers. Any ammunition that a hunter has at the time of the change will become gray sellable items. There will be no more ammo slot on the hunter’s character display. Guns, bows, and crossbows will now do damage without consuming ammunition at all.Hunters will generate roughly 6 Focus per second, slightly less than rogues’ Energy generation rate of around 10 Energy per second. It will not be affected by Intellect at all. Focus generates much like Energy, by building up. “Hunters will no longer use mana instead the class with use Focus.What is also of interest here for hunters are three huge mechanics changes: 1) the change from being a mana-based class to using focus, 2) the removing of an ammo requirement for all ranged weapons and 3) a large change to the way pets work and how they are available to the hunter. Seems to be one of those abilities that only really works if you manage to pull it off correctly, though. Then, you can get in the perfect position to let lose a barrage onto a chosen target for extra damage. Although, if you can keep yourself camouflaged until a time of your choosing, you can hold off both ranged and melee attackers, with both the innate mechanics of this ability and with traps. You catch the edge of a Blizzard or accidently run too close to a Whirlwind. The hunter can move and set traps when under Camouflage, and will receive a damage bonus when attacking while under Camouflage (which will then break the effect).”Ĭhad: I fear for the usefulness of Camouflage in heavy, group-oriented PvP, simply because it is cancelled when you fall prey to an AOE attack, which often times hits you when you don’t see it coming. The character would still be subject to melee or area-of-effect attacks, and dealing or taking damage will break the Camouflage effect. Blizzard’s Explanation: “The hunter enters an obscured state that prevents him or her from taking ranged damage.